

ForSci Associates LLC is a consulting company focused on forensic science, especially the use and interpretation of DNA testing in criminal cases. The firm has been in business for nearly fifteen years and is led by Dr. Phillip Danielson, a professor at the University of Denver. Dr. Danielson has an impressive resume, with thirty years of experience in advanced DNA technologies. He serves as a member of the Organization of Scientific Area Committees, run by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, to develop standards for the US forensic community. Dr. Danielson also has experience conducting scientific research in forensic genetics.

      ForSci provides its clients with a wide range of consulting services within the forensic DNA space. ForSci has provided independent review of forensic testing conducted involving criminal matters. ForSci has also supplied expert witness testimony in court cases from New York to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Additionally, ForSci facilitates continuing education seminars for attorneys, analysts and scientists operating procedures in forensic laboratories.

We look forward to working with ForSci Associates LLC in our continuing efforts to make the neighborhood we live in and love even better!

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UpDoNA is a City Registered Neighborhood Organization representing the community of Denver’s Upper Downtown.

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